MD-1 NMEA Device (COM6) Driver Download For Windows 10

This article will guide you how to correctly install VAG-COM 409.1 KKL USB cable on Windows and VCDS software.


In our experience, we don't recommend depending on VAG-COM 409.1. Because it's functionality is extremely limited. In addition — you'll need to pay extra $97 to upgrade free VCDS-Lite software to full version. And even if you do upgrade — it can only scan vehicles made up to year 2004.

For that reason we recommend to get the complete VAG-COM 2020 cable with original, unlocked and full version of VCDS software from Ross-Tech™ — by clicking here.

STEP 1: Download and Install VAG-COM KKL 409.1 Drivers

Drivers Installer for MD-1 NMEA Device (COM6) If you don’t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. It will select only qualified and updated drivers for all hardware parts all alone. To download SCI Drivers Installer, follow this link. Compatible with desktop discrete AMD Radeon™ GCN and Radeon RX 400 Series enabled products with at least 2GB of System Memory, AMD VCE Support and Windows® 7/8.1/10 64 bit operating systems. Radeon ReLive is currently considered 'as-is' beta level support for 32 bit operating systems.

(DO NOT connect cable to your computer yet. Only do this when you're instructed below.)

  1. To find the latest driver for your computer we recommend running our Free Driver Scan. Radeon X1300/X1550 Series - Driver Download. Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  2. PC Matic offers free computer help, use our free PC Diagnostics to tuneup your computer.
  3. AMD software and drivers are designed to work best for up-to-date operating systems. Windows 10 - 64-Bit Edition. Radeon Software.By clicking the 'Download.

Start by downloading the VAG-COM Driver Pack 1.

Here's how to install on different Windows versions...

Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10:

Uncompress the file. Double-click on 'Install.exe' to install the drivers. When complete — plug in cable into any USB port on your computer and wait for automatic installation to complete.

If install is successful, move onto Step 2.

If installation fails, see below: Troubleshooting: If Drivers Failed To Install

Windows XP:

  1. Uncompress the file. Double-click on 'Install.exe' to install the drivers.
  2. Plug cable into any computer's USB port.
  3. 'Found New Hardware Wizard' will start and it will ask you 'Can Windows connect to Windows Update to search for the software?'. Select 'Yes'.
  4. Select 'Install the software automatically'.
  5. After the installation is complete, click 'Finish'.
  6. 'Found New Hardware Wizard' will start once again because there are two drivers for this cable.
  7. Go through the same steps as explained above to install this second driver.

If install is successful, move onto Step 2.

If installation fails, see below: Troubleshooting: If Drivers Failed To Install

Troubleshooting: If Drivers Failed To Install:

Installation failed? Download here VAG-COM Driver Pack 2.

Unextract the file into any folder. Then while your cable is connected to the computer — go Device Manager.

  • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Control Panel » System » Device Manager
  • Windows XP: Control Panel » System » 'Hardware' tab » Device Manager

You'll see a device similar to 'USB Serial Port' under either 'Other devices' or 'Ports (COM & LPT)'.

Right-click and choose 'Update Driver Software'. Like this:

Then select the location where you unextracted Driver Pack 2. Let it install.

STEP 2: Discover Port Number that VAG-COM KKL Cable is Using

Go to Control Panel.

  • Windows Vista/7/8/10: Control Panel » System » Device Manager
  • Windows XP: Control Panel » System » 'Hardware' tab » Device Manager

Expand 'Other devices' or 'Ports (COM & LPT)'. Whichever contains 'USB Serial Port'.


Next to 'USB Serial Port' — you'll see a number.

If the COM port number is between 1-4, then everything is fine. Move onto Step 3.

If the COM port number is above 4, then we'll have to change it so it's between 1-4. Here's how...

Right-click on 'USB Serial Port' and click on 'Properties' — as per below pic:


  1. Click: Port Settings
  2. Click: Advanced
  3. For 'COM Port Number' — you MUST choose any number between 1-4.

That's it! Now let's test if everything is working. Move onto next step below...

Cable should be plugged into computer.

  1. Start VCDS-Lite software.
  2. Click 'Options' button.
  3. You will see 'Select COM Port' box. Select the 'COM Port' number as explained in Step 2.
  4. Click the ‘Test’ button.
  5. If everything is good, it should display 'Interface Status: Found!'.
  6. You can now connect other end of cable to car. Turn on ignition. And you're ready to start diagnosing!

If test is not successful — check the following:

  1. Other software or devices using USB ports or that same COM Port could be conflicting. You should uninstall the suspected software or device for troubleshooting this problem.
  2. It should be noted that VAG-COM 409.1 KKL cable does not work on vehicles running on CAN-BUS System.
  3. Cable must be plugged into the vehicle with ignition ON.
  4. Test the cable with each COM Port from 1 to 4 in Windows Device Manager.
  5. Make sure that the driver is installed and configured as explained in Step 1.
More Troubleshooting Tips:
Md-1 nmea device (com6) driver download for windows 10 windows 7
  • Only Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda and Seat vehicles are supported. Other brands will only work for generic OBD-II functions.
  • If VAG-COM 409.1 KKL cable doesn't connect — or if you get the error message 'Can't Synch Baud Rate' — then go to Options and set Start Baud to 9600. If 9600 doesn't work, try 4800 and 1200. Turn the vehicle's ignition OFF and back ON after each failed attempt to connect.
  • If you have installed VCDS software before or from another source, uninstall all versions of VCDS software right now, and delete directory 'C:Ross-Tech'. Then install latest version of VCDS-Lite software by clicking here.

For further information and instructions for troubleshooting, visit the following links:

How to Install & Register VCDS-Lite software That Came With Your VAG-COM 409.1 KKL Cable

Generic NMEA GPS Receiver

Last update: 31-Mar-2014 03:55 UTC


Address: 127.127.20.u
Reference ID: GPS
Serial Port: /dev/gpsu; 4800 - 115200 bps, 8-bits, no parity
Serial Port: /dev/gpsppsu; for just the PPS signal (this is tried first for PPS, before /dev/gpsu)
Serial Port: /dev/gpsu; symlink to server:port (for nmead)
Features: tty_clk


This driver supports GPS receivers with the $GPRMC, $GPGLL, $GPGGA, $GPZDA and $GPZDG NMEA sentences by default. Note that Accord's custom NMEA sentence $GPZDG reports using the GPS timescale, while the rest of the sentences report UTC. The difference between the two is a whole number of seconds which increases with each leap second insertion in UTC. To avoid problems mixing UTC and GPS timescales, the driver disables processing of UTC sentences once $GPZDG is received.

The driver expects the receiver to be set up to transmit at least one supported sentence every second.

The accuracy depends on the receiver used. Inexpensive GPS models are available with a claimed PPS signal accuracy of 1 μs or better relative to the broadcast signal. However, in most cases the actual accuracy is limited by the precision of the timecode and the latencies of the serial interface and operating system.

If the Operating System supports PPSAPI (RFC 2783), fudge flag1 1 enables its use.

The various GPS sentences that this driver recognises look like this:
(others quietly ignored)

Accepted NMEA sentences
NMEA data items
SymbolMeaning and Format
UTCTime of day on UTC timescale. Hours, minutes and seconds [fraction (opt.)]. (hhmmss[.fff])
POS_STATPosition status. (A = Data valid, V = Data invalid)
LATLatitude (llll.ll)
LAT_REFLatitude direction. (N = North, S = South)
LONLongitude (yyyyy.yy)
LON_REFLongitude direction (E = East, W = West)
SPDSpeed over ground. (knots) (x.x)
HDGHeading/track made good (degrees True) (x.x)
DATEDate (ddmmyy)
MAG_VARMagnetic variation (degrees) (x.x)
MAG_REFMagnetic variation (E = East, W = West)
FIX_MODEPosition Fix Mode (0 = Invalid, >0 = Valid)
SAT_USEDNumber of Satellites used in solution
HDOPHorizontal Dilution of Precision
ALTAntenna Altitude
ALT_UNITAltitude Units (Metres/Feet)
GEOGeoid/Elipsoid separation
G_UNITGeoid units (M/F)
D_AGEAge of last DGPS Fix
D_REFReference ID of DGPS station
GPSTIMETime of day on GPS timescale. Hours, minutes and seconds [fraction (opt.)]. (hhmmss[.f])
DDDay of the month (1-31)
MMMonth of the year (1-12)
AA.BBDenotes the signal strength (should be < 05.00)
VGPS sync status
'0' => INVALID time,
'1' => accuracy of +/- 20ms,
'2' => accuracy of +/- 100ns
CS Checksum
<cr><lf>Sentence terminator.

The 'mode' byte

Md-1 Nmea Device (com6) Driver Download For Windows 10 64-bit

Specific GPS sentences and bitrates may be selected by setting bits of the 'mode' in the server configuration line:
server 127.127.20.x mode X

mode byte bits and bit groups
011process $GPMRC
122process $GPGGA
244process $GPGLL
388process $GPZDA or $GPZDG
4-600linespeed 4800 bps
160x10linespeed 9600 bps
320x20linespeed 19200 bps
480x30linespeed 38400 bps
640x40linespeed 57600 bps
800x50linespeed 115200 bps
71280x80Write the sub-second fraction of the receive time stamp to the clockstat file for all recognised NMEA sentences. This can be used to get a useful value for fudge time2.
Caveat: This will fill your clockstat file rather fast. Use it only temporarily to get the numbers for the NMEA sentence of your choice.
82560x100process $PGRMF
9-150xFE00reserved - leave 0
16655360x10000Append extra statistics to the clockstats line. Details below.

The default (mode 0) is to process all supported sentences at a linespeed of 4800 bps, which results in the first one received and recognised in each cycle being used. If only specific sentences should be recognised, then the mode byte must be chosen to enable only the selected ones. Multiple sentences may be selected by adding their mode bit values, but of those enabled still only the first received sentence in a cycle will be used. Using more than one sentence per cycle is impossible, because

  • there is only fudge time2 available to compensate for transmission delays but every sentence would need a different one and
  • using more than one sentence per cycle overstuffs the internal data filters.
The driver uses 4800 bits per second by default, but faster bitrates can be selected using bits 4 to 6 of the mode field.

Caveat: Using higher line speeds does not necessarily increase the precision of the timing device. Higher line speeds are not necessarily helpful for the NMEA driver, either. They can be used to accomodate for an amount of data that does not fit into a 1-second cycle at 4800 bps, but high-speed high-volume NMEA data is likely to cause trouble with the serial line driver since NMEA supports no protocol handshake. Any device that is exclusively used for time synchronisation purposes should be configured to transmit the relevant data only, e.g. one $GPRMC or $GPZDA per second, at a linespeed of 4800 bps or 9600 bps.

Monitor Data


The last GPS sentence that is accepted or rejected is written to the clockstats file and available with ntpq -c clockvar. (Logging the rejected sentences lets you see/debug why they were rejected.) Filtered sentences are not logged.

If the 0x10000 mode bit is on and clockstats is enabled, several extra counters will be appended to the NMEA sentence that gets logged. For example:

Md-1 Nmea Device (com6) Driver Download For Windows 10 Windows 7

276876.691Time of day in seconds
3127.127.20.20IP Address from server config line
4$GPGGA,...0*5CNMEA Sentence
5228Number of sentences received
664Number of sentences accepted and used for timekeeping
70Number of sentences rejected because they were marked invalid (poor signal)
80Number of sentences rejected because of bad checksum or invalid date/time
964Number of sentences filtered by mode bits or same second
100Number of PPS pulses used, overrides NMEA sentences
Sentences like $GPGSV that don't contain the time will get counted in the total but otherwise ignored.

Configuring NMEA Refclocks might give further useful hints for specific hardware devices that exhibit strange or curious behaviour.

To make a specific setting, select the corresponding decimal values from the mode byte table, add them all together and enter the resulting decimal value into the clock configuration line.

Setting up the Garmin GPS-25XL

Switch off all output with by sending it the following string.

Now switch only $GPRMC on by sending it the following string.

On some systems the PPS signal isn't switched on by default. It can be switched on by sending the following string.

Fudge Factors

time1 time
Specifies the PPS time offset calibration factor, in seconds and fraction, with default 0.0.
time2 time
Specifies the serial end of line time offset calibration factor, in seconds and fraction, with default 0.0.
stratum number
Specifies the driver stratum, in decimal from 0 to 15, with default 0.
refid string
Specifies the driver reference identifier, an ASCII string from one to four characters, with default GPS.
flag1 0 | 1
Disable PPS signal processing if 0 (default); enable PPS signal processing if 1.
flag2 0 | 1
If PPS signal processing is enabled, capture the pulse on the rising edge if 0 (default); capture on the falling edge if 1.
flag3 0 | 1
If PPS signal processing is enabled, use the ntpd clock discipline if 0 (default); use the kernel discipline if 1.
flag4 0 | 1
Obscures location in timecode: 0 for disable (default), 1 for enable.

Additional Information

flag1, flag2, and flag3 are ignored under Windows.